One of my many yarn goals this year—other than somehow miraculously ending with less yarn than I started with—is to find “pattern homes” for (stupid and impulsive) yarn purchases I made in my first two years of knitting.
So far, I’ve been doing pretty good with this, finding great patterns for some of my older yarns.
Ignoring the fact that in finding a great pattern for some of my Wool-Ease Thick & Quick, I “had to” buy ten more skeins to complete my set of new kitchen rugs. Anyway…
The latest one is this absolutely adorable Flower Blanket I found on Ravelry yesterday. It looked like a good candidate for this “faulty batch” of Zafira yarn I bought from Hobbii, so I tried it out with the Powder (pink) color, and it looked like it worked nicely, so I hunted down the other two colors I’d bought and made two of each.

Isn’t it so pretty? Even better, it uses quite a bit of yarn for each flower, so I’ll be able to use up these batches faster than if I were knitting—and in one project too. The only downside is that Zafira is a little scratchy, so it’ll probably mean lining it with fabric. So glad to have found the right project for more of my older yarn!